The Healing Path

Here I go again. Once more trying to rededicate myself to writing. At least now post pandemic, post getting to know the ropes of a great job, post many things, I have time. The site is back up. The admin side is full of spam , but I will get to it.

I am looking for a property to build a sober community. I don’t have a huge budget. I do have a business plan. Permaculture, care economy, sobriety, spirituality. Is that a way you would want to live or help others?

Recovery is a life long process. Sober living is a spiritual way of life.

In the next few weeks I hope to start detailing the business plan and property search. There is a lot to write. How I handle the fears that come up, the doubt and the stress. I haven’t had a client for healing in a long time. I have been looking after the coaching side of things.

It’s time to step into my vision and get this going.

More to come…..