As a human being, your ability to be or do what any other human being does is blocked only by you. Often we find ourselves dreaming of a perfect life, a perfect home, the perfect possessions, relationships etc.
In this desire for perfection, or just even for better, or even simply more, I have to ask myself does it really excite me?
Are you getting out of bed with a resentment? Are you dreading the routine and the people you will be hanging out with during the day? Does the thought of getting through a day exhaust you, or just not fill you with joy?
You have the power within yourself to change that. You possess the same brain as everyone else, you have the same number of bones in your body, and you breathe the same air. So the limitations you set, are coming only from you.
Instead of focusing on what you dread, can you find a few minutes at the start of every day to get excited? The view you have on the world is not truth. Just as looking at one facet of a diamond is not seeing the whole thing itself, how we approach our day, is not the full picture.
What excites you? What makes you smile? What gives you passion? What makes your heart leap? What music makes you want to dance? What are the things that inspire you? If you had no limits, what would be the ideal life for you to live?
Make a list of these things. Sit in the thoughts of them, wash in them, feel them. Are you smiling yet? Are you excited about your possibilities? You have choices. It doesn’t matter yet how all this stuff will happen, what matters is only what you are focusing on and how you feel about.
Allow yourself some excitement at some point in the day. Make a habit of it. Just five minutes at your best time of the day. Feel it feelings and get excited that you are moving forward on this wonderful journey of life. Crack out of the old you. Get excited about being your best highest self. You are worth it.