Moving Forward

In order to move out of negative thinking, something is required. That thing must be what negative thinking isn’t. It can either be positive thinking or just simply not thinking. Focusing on the breath and the body aka meditation is a wonderful way of moving out of our circular thinking and calming down the mind. Another way is to act. Any action no matter how great or small, geared towards progress is more beneficial than no action at all. Here Read More

What Meditation Brings Me.

First of all, let’s be really clear. Meditation as used in this context is simply focusing on the breath. It’s nothing else. I focus on the air coming in through my nostrils and out through my nostrils. I try to be conscious of it going down into my body, and back out. That’s it. It’s not journeying, or imagining or even repeating a mantra. All of this stuff can help and be complimentary to meditation , but for me, it’s Read More