The Big Shift

After over a year on a lock down that no one saw coming, no one ever experienced and most people felt something about, it’s time to ask where are we now? Have you undergone or do you now wish to undergo a big shift in your life? Through out my life I have worked jobs because they were there, some of them were highly skilled and some were much less so. It was just what I did, need money to Read More

It’s Spring if you want it to be.

Spring traditionally was Feb 1 when I was a kid, but I lived in a different country with a different culture. Spring is a time of new beginnings, so in a sense, every day can be spring if you want it to be. I can remember a man, he was considered holy. He told me there is no such thing as endings only new beginnings. I liked his philosophy and I have tried to apply it in my life with Read More

Moving Forward

In order to move out of negative thinking, something is required. That thing must be what negative thinking isn’t. It can either be positive thinking or just simply not thinking. Focusing on the breath and the body aka meditation is a wonderful way of moving out of our circular thinking and calming down the mind. Another way is to act. Any action no matter how great or small, geared towards progress is more beneficial than no action at all. Here Read More

What Meditation Brings Me.

First of all, let’s be really clear. Meditation as used in this context is simply focusing on the breath. It’s nothing else. I focus on the air coming in through my nostrils and out through my nostrils. I try to be conscious of it going down into my body, and back out. That’s it. It’s not journeying, or imagining or even repeating a mantra. All of this stuff can help and be complimentary to meditation , but for me, it’s Read More

Are you Growing ?

When I was a teenager with all the usual angst and dark thoughts, I somehow came through a process that basically saved my life. I slipped almost nonchalantly from not caring about myself at all to empowering myself. That perhaps is another story. However , what became important for me was that I should get fit and I should learn. I joined a sports club, which led to a changed my diet, which led to improved health, physically, emotionally, psychologically. Read More

Are you staying small?

The first time I heard the notion of staying small I didn’t really understand it. Over the years I realised staying small is the thing I do when I don’t step into my personal power and abilities. Like all of us, I have talents. There are things I can do well and there are things I should probably leave to others. However the tendency with us humans can be to make ourselves small. How often have you been tempted by Read More

If this day was your last?

We all think we are going to live for ever, or at least until tomorrow. Generally speaking none of us imagine when we wake up in the morning, that this is our last day on planet earth. Frequently I have heard people say, if it was their last day, they would go blow all their money, or get drugged up or drunk or have an orgy. As I reflected on that I consider that those things can be done anytime, Read More

Recognising the Gift when it comes.

I recently had the pleasure to sit with a good friend at a waterfall in the southwest of France. While we were there a beautiful butterfly landed on her finger. I spent the next 20 minutes to half an hour cracking out of a circle of amazement, and fun, and taking many photos. I wondered why nature was so kind to give her this beautiful gift of a butterfly. At one point I had to brush a horse fly off Read More

Self Care is Best

A little like on the aeroplane, where you have to put on your oxygen mask before helping others, self care is the best way forward. Some simple questions to help you note how much care you are putting into yourself. Are you eating regularly? Have you eaten today? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you looking after your personal hygiene? Are you reaching out to other humans when feeling low or lonely ? Are you tidying up your personal space? Read More

Other things you can do for you

Self care is best. So in my last post, I talked about what I can do for myself in a day. The idea being to clear my mind and my mood. I talked more about tasks that could be done. There are other ways to care for the self too. When is the last time you gave yourself a treat? It doesn’t have to be expensive. Have you got a spare half hour? Could you sit and listen to some Read More