Getting Back to Basics

Hi. It’s a been a while. I got preoccupied with a CARE Economy project in the Philippines. Then preoccupied with teaching and just making a living. When I went to get back to posting the site was broken and my good friend and adviser Claus has just fixed it so I am back. I have had a lot of people through my place this summer due to my being a host on couchsurfing and as is usual I have met Read More

CARE and how we inspire others.

I wrote in my last post about an upcoming trip to the Philippines. I am thanks to Bela Hatvany and the good people at Mustardseed, going to visit a community and see if I can inspire them. How did this come about? I have been involved in Everyday Earth for nearly a year now. It’s a community organisation that has conversations about creating a care economy. A care economy is one where the participants not only feel cared for, but Read More

If this day was your last?

We all think we are going to live for ever, or at least until tomorrow. Generally speaking none of us imagine when we wake up in the morning, that this is our last day on planet earth. Frequently I have heard people say, if it was their last day, they would go blow all their money, or get drugged up or drunk or have an orgy. As I reflected on that I consider that those things can be done anytime, Read More

Which Wolf will you feed?

It seems that in my neck of the woods, in my entourage, there is a lot of discontentment at the moment. Maybe it’s the change of season and temperature. People are stressed, unhappy, lacking affection, a lover, a companion or just struggling with finding a way to be themselves. In truth I am feeling much the same way but I seem to be handling it better than those around me in some ways, but not every way. Perhaps I am Read More

In Love?

I can remember as a teenager, feeling a pain in the pit of my stomach when I thought about a certain woman. She was older than I. She was interesting, beautiful, a mother probably in her twenties. I was 14. I had never experienced such a feeling before. She occupied my thoughts, when her perfume wafted in my nostrils I was unbalanced. When she wasn’t around I wanted her to be. I enjoyed her smile. I enjoyed her tone of Read More