Rules rules and regulations

If you know anything about France, you will know that they love administration, bureaucracy, rules and regulations. Let’s not say they love them, lets just say it’s a big part of life here. A good example of this red tape thinking for me is my friend from Kenya who is a qualified accountant. She has worked as an accountant in Kenya for years. However here in France through whatever legalese exists she is not recognised as an accountant and cannot Read More

Where am I ? How did I get here?

It seems strange writing about how a place came to be, that doesn’t exist yet. Where I am at present is a place of flux, ignorance, stress, and faith. Is this where I write about my story of addiction? It’s pretty mundane I would say, only it’s not pretty and mundane is a word used by those who have lived more, when they judge those who have lived less. At present I am in a situation which is enviable. I Read More

CARE and how we inspire others.

I wrote in my last post about an upcoming trip to the Philippines. I am thanks to Bela Hatvany and the good people at Mustardseed, going to visit a community and see if I can inspire them. How did this come about? I have been involved in Everyday Earth for nearly a year now. It’s a community organisation that has conversations about creating a care economy. A care economy is one where the participants not only feel cared for, but Read More