Where am I ? How did I get here?

It seems strange writing about how a place came to be, that doesn’t exist yet. Where I am at present is a place of flux, ignorance, stress, and faith. Is this where I write about my story of addiction? It’s pretty mundane I would say, only it’s not pretty and mundane is a word used by those who have lived more, when they judge those who have lived less. At present I am in a situation which is enviable. I Read More

Stepping Back Up and Forward

It’s been too long since I was here. Distracted by life, a world wide pandemic and many many changes. However like most people I have been growing or stuck. I haven’t been stuck. Something has shifted greatly in this last time. I am starting a project. I want to step up and forward and I feel I have found the way. I have a vision of a holistic recovery centre. Somewhere where the suffering can come and heal. The artists Read More

Recognising the Gift when it comes.

I recently had the pleasure to sit with a good friend at a waterfall in the southwest of France. While we were there a beautiful butterfly landed on her finger. I spent the next 20 minutes to half an hour cracking out of a circle of amazement, and fun, and taking many photos. I wondered why nature was so kind to give her this beautiful gift of a butterfly. At one point I had to brush a horse fly off Read More

Other things you can do for you

Self care is best. So in my last post, I talked about what I can do for myself in a day. The idea being to clear my mind and my mood. I talked more about tasks that could be done. There are other ways to care for the self too. When is the last time you gave yourself a treat? It doesn’t have to be expensive. Have you got a spare half hour? Could you sit and listen to some Read More