Other things you can do for you

Self care is best. So in my last post, I talked about what I can do for myself in a day. The idea being to clear my mind and my mood. I talked more about tasks that could be done. There are other ways to care for the self too. When is the last time you gave yourself a treat? It doesn’t have to be expensive. Have you got a spare half hour? Could you sit and listen to some music that moves you or inspires you? Could get in a walk near nature, trees, mountains, beaches, near a river, or through a field? Can you call someone you care about that you haven’t spoken to in a while? Pick up or put down a book or a task? Very often when I am stressed I turn the problem around in my head. The result is almost debilitating pain in my shoulders, hips, or my head. But turning a problem around doesn’t actually give me a solution, it just depletes my energy into the problem.

Either I can solve it or I can’t right now. So I can’t solve it right now. So let me take care of myself. Let me take a half hour, and walk it off, or indulge in music listening or playing. Let me allow myself to be creative and focus my energy on something enjoyable. Is there a smile on my face right now ? Nope, let’s wear one and see if it doesn’t stick and so change my energy. I spoke with a friend one day who encouraged me to share my thoughts. I explained I thought everyone knew this stuff. They do, but sometimes we need to be reminded of the simple stuff we can do for ourselves. We need to be reminded to care for ourselves. Caring for yourself allows you to have the energy and focus to eventually care for others. Have a great day. Do something for you today. 🙂