Where am I ? How did I get here?

It seems strange writing about how a place came to be, that doesn’t exist yet. Where I am at present is a place of flux, ignorance, stress, and faith. Is this where I write about my story of addiction? It’s pretty mundane I would say, only it’s not pretty and mundane is a word used by those who have lived more, when they judge those who have lived less. At present I am in a situation which is enviable. I Read More

Stepping Back Up and Forward

It’s been too long since I was here. Distracted by life, a world wide pandemic and many many changes. However like most people I have been growing or stuck. I haven’t been stuck. Something has shifted greatly in this last time. I am starting a project. I want to step up and forward and I feel I have found the way. I have a vision of a holistic recovery centre. Somewhere where the suffering can come and heal. The artists Read More

Are you Growing ?

When I was a teenager with all the usual angst and dark thoughts, I somehow came through a process that basically saved my life. I slipped almost nonchalantly from not caring about myself at all to empowering myself. That perhaps is another story. However , what became important for me was that I should get fit and I should learn. I joined a sports club, which led to a changed my diet, which led to improved health, physically, emotionally, psychologically. Read More

In Love?

I can remember as a teenager, feeling a pain in the pit of my stomach when I thought about a certain woman. She was older than I. She was interesting, beautiful, a mother probably in her twenties. I was 14. I had never experienced such a feeling before. She occupied my thoughts, when her perfume wafted in my nostrils I was unbalanced. When she wasn’t around I wanted her to be. I enjoyed her smile. I enjoyed her tone of Read More

It Doesn’t Matter What the World Thinks of You

This is one I found really tough to begin with. It doesn’t matter what the world thinks of you. However it is true. All that really matters is what you think of yourself. Now I know it’s not easy to not take into consideration others view of you. But how others see you, is all about the path they have walked, the experiences they have had, and the judgements they bring to the table. It’s not you.   You have Read More

Other things you can do for you

Self care is best. So in my last post, I talked about what I can do for myself in a day. The idea being to clear my mind and my mood. I talked more about tasks that could be done. There are other ways to care for the self too. When is the last time you gave yourself a treat? It doesn’t have to be expensive. Have you got a spare half hour? Could you sit and listen to some Read More