Where am I ? How did I get here?

It seems strange writing about how a place came to be, that doesn’t exist yet. Where I am at present is a place of flux, ignorance, stress, and faith. Is this where I write about my story of addiction? It’s pretty mundane I would say, only it’s not pretty and mundane is a word used by those who have lived more, when they judge those who have lived less. At present I am in a situation which is enviable. I Read More

Getting Back to Basics

Hi. It’s a been a while. I got preoccupied with a CARE Economy project in the Philippines. Then preoccupied with teaching and just making a living. When I went to get back to posting the site was broken and my good friend and adviser Claus has just fixed it so I am back. I have had a lot of people through my place this summer due to my being a host on couchsurfing and as is usual I have met Read More

Can you do nothing ?

I’m in touch with a lot of people on the go. Busy people , creative people, people who are stressed and low on energy. I am one myself. Very often I find myself in a conversation encouraging these wonderful human beings to do nothing. Invariably the response I get is, I can?t I don?t know how. There is some guilt complex at play when a person feels they are not being productive First of all Why? Doing nothing means not Read More

Which Wolf will you feed?

It seems that in my neck of the woods, in my entourage, there is a lot of discontentment at the moment. Maybe it’s the change of season and temperature. People are stressed, unhappy, lacking affection, a lover, a companion or just struggling with finding a way to be themselves. In truth I am feeling much the same way but I seem to be handling it better than those around me in some ways, but not every way. Perhaps I am Read More

In Love?

I can remember as a teenager, feeling a pain in the pit of my stomach when I thought about a certain woman. She was older than I. She was interesting, beautiful, a mother probably in her twenties. I was 14. I had never experienced such a feeling before. She occupied my thoughts, when her perfume wafted in my nostrils I was unbalanced. When she wasn’t around I wanted her to be. I enjoyed her smile. I enjoyed her tone of Read More

Recognising the Gift when it comes.

I recently had the pleasure to sit with a good friend at a waterfall in the southwest of France. While we were there a beautiful butterfly landed on her finger. I spent the next 20 minutes to half an hour cracking out of a circle of amazement, and fun, and taking many photos. I wondered why nature was so kind to give her this beautiful gift of a butterfly. At one point I had to brush a horse fly off Read More