Other things you can do for you

Self care is best. So in my last post, I talked about what I can do for myself in a day. The idea being to clear my mind and my mood. I talked more about tasks that could be done. There are other ways to care for the self too. When is the last time you gave yourself a treat? It doesn’t have to be expensive. Have you got a spare half hour? Could you sit and listen to some Read More

What Can You do for You today?

This is a question I ask myself frequently. It’s not about spoiling myself or being selfish. It’s actually a very constructive question to ask. Let me paint a picture. I am sitting in an apartment, the breakfast stuff is still on the table but it’s late evening. There are dirty dishes in the sink and the dishwasher hasn’t been operated in a few days. There are wet clothes in the laundry. I haven’t spoken to anyone, I am hungry and Read More

Cracking the circle is a way forward

So the challenge for me was to move forward. I was stuck. I was miserable and I had lost all passion and direction. What could I possibly do that would change my life and help me get out of the rut. In short I cracked the circle of the negative thinking that had been running through my head for years. I had resentments, I had issues, I had problems. Facing my problems was one way forward. It took time. I Read More

Welcome to cracking the circle

The goal of this site is to pay back and forward the joy and blessings I have received in my life. I will post images, memes, slogans and stories about?how I have managed to turn my life around and find a beautiful approach that keeps me on top of my challenges.? I am guessing someone out there might find it fun, useful or just interesting. So for all of us, trying to crack out of circles of negativity and make Read More