Where do you allow yourself to feel satisfaction?

None of us are getting out of here alive. There are many philosophies about the power of positive thinking and gratitude and attracting what you want. Since I cracked out of my negative circle I have been learning appreciation and gratitude and also satisfaction. Satisfaction for the little things in life. Those little everyday achievements. Each time I get to write a post there is a sense of having achieved something I have set out to do. I listen to Read More

Routine, can you change it?

Ah the old routine. Get out of bed stumble around, shower, skip breakfast, get dressed, realise you are running late, get stressed and tear out of the house to your appointment. Yep that used to be me. I found my routines were not the best at creating a framework for healthy thinking. Stress is a killer and a disease maker. I had to find some routines that were healthy. One of the things I try to do these days, and Read More

What thoughts do you start your day with?

I had an interesting experience recently. I was in bed asleep and I felt myself waking up. It was as if I was under water with enough breath, calm, slowly coming to the surface. It was just a feeling of waking up with some awareness. It wasn’t even a thought. Before I became aware of the light, or even where I was, a thought crystallised in my mind. It was just one word. It was so slow, I fancy now Read More

Are You Competing or Participating ?

This is a question that I was faced with at a time in my life when I started to get fit and join sports clubs in my area. I had never been really fit, I didn’t really know how to swim and I was slow at everything in comparison to my club mates. They had been training for years, Running, Biking and Swimming. The used to laugh at my heart rate, my red face in the pool, how slow I Read More

Don’t deprive me of your talent.

Talent, we all have it. Yes even you have a talent. Many years ago someone told me in no uncertain terms that I owed it to the world to write. That my talent was not for me, it was a gift and with every gift comes responsibility. Now I am not trying to tell you I am the worlds greatest writer. I am not a competitor, I am a participant. Thousands of people have written, painted, sculpted, created. Thousands of Read More

Letting in the Compliment

I have always given people compliments. For me it’s an expression of what was inside of myself. However to receive a compliment was a whole other ball game. I used to at best dismiss compliments when people spoke about my abilities, my insights or my appearance. Often I would be reduced to blushing and mumbling and feeling very awkward. My journey towards understanding compliments hit a bump in the road one day. I told a dear friend of mine how Read More

Flipping Your Self Talk

Many of us have a dialogue in our heads, from morning till night. Very often we recount our life story to ourselves and reinforce our beliefs and ideas through this story. It’s a sort of self justification for why we are where we are at any given moment. How often have you heard people tell you, ‘I am not lucky’ or ‘I am not good at that’ or even ‘I don’t like myself in photos’? We all do this. Can Read More

How excited are you about your life?

As a human being, your ability to be or do what any other human being does is blocked only by you. Often we find ourselves dreaming of a perfect life, a perfect home, the perfect possessions, relationships etc. In this desire for perfection, or just even for better, or even simply more, I have to ask myself does it really excite me? Are you getting out of bed with a resentment? Are you dreading the routine and the people you Read More

Are you giving yourself a break?

Have you ever found yourself in that riff, that rut, that habit? You know the one. It starts with self criticism, ‘I am too fat, too hairy, too skinny, I am unlovable,? I am not enough? It goes on and on.? The problem with that type of thinking is it becomes a habit. It’s probably the worst habit any of us have. The constant judging, the constant comparison can wear a person down. There are so many pressures in our Read More

It Doesn’t Matter What the World Thinks of You

This is one I found really tough to begin with. It doesn’t matter what the world thinks of you. However it is true. All that really matters is what you think of yourself. Now I know it’s not easy to not take into consideration others view of you. But how others see you, is all about the path they have walked, the experiences they have had, and the judgements they bring to the table. It’s not you.   You have Read More