Recognising the Gift when it comes.

I recently had the pleasure to sit with a good friend at a waterfall in the southwest of France. While we were there a beautiful butterfly landed on her finger. I spent the next 20 minutes to half an hour cracking out of a circle of amazement, and fun, and taking many photos. I wondered why nature was so kind to give her this beautiful gift of a butterfly. At one point I had to brush a horse fly off Read More

Pointing the finger….

A man I used to know, who was very influential in my young adult life, used to preach often. One of his favourite sermons, was the one about pointing the finger. He would say ‘Remember when you point the finger there are three pointing back at you.’ I used to watch his hand, in the shape of what I saw as a gun, and I couldn’t fathom what the hell he was banging on about. I heard this sermon 5 Read More

What is the Best you are imagining for yourself?

What is the best you are imagining for yourself? Are you stuck, thinking that your life is as good as it gets and you don’t deserve more, that there isn’t more, that you have to make do with what you have? Some of us in this experience are blessed with knowing our true worth, or at least having a good sense of entitlement. Some of us get the game that we must strive to be the best we can be, Read More

Are you taking responsibility for your unique gift?

I have often thought that if I could do it anyone could do it. No doubt this was a reaction to the line my father gave me as a child. Any time I offered to help with something, the man perhaps embarrassed or ashamed, or just using simple logic would reply to his youngest offspring,? ?’ If I can’t do it, you can’t. ‘.? It was a strange thing to tell a young boy who wanted to explore his limits Read More

How do you manage the behaviour of others?

I remember clearly when I was a kid, sitting in the car with my mother, and someone would cut her off. She used the expression, ‘Big car small mind’. She called them a chauvinist and other such references to men that are not very flattering. I had no idea what that word was but when it was followed by the word pig, I knew it wasn’t a pleasant energy in the car. I had the uncanny ability to imagine that Read More

What is the thing you tell yourself most in the day?

In my life, I was always amazed when people gave me a positive feedback to my personality. I used to think to myself ‘ You don’t live with me 24 hours a day, I do.’. It took me a long time to realise I had to not only respect myself but honour the path of the one who would give me a compliment, be respectful of their words and their point of view. So in living with ourselves 24 hours Read More

Tips on Letting go..

I received feedback this week from a number of sources and it’s touching to see how many people are in tune with my previous post on letting go. I was asked for advice? and tips, and I had some beautiful Sharing with people. People talked about relationships, lovers, parents and it got me thinking to share what I do in order to let go of those gone. It’s always good to reach out to people we haven’t been in touch Read More

Are you holding onto those who have left?

I recently sent an old flame of 25 years, a birthday message. She didn’t know who I was. I understood I was no longer in her universe and I was not really surprised. I was a tad disappointed and I realised that in my head for the last 25 years I had still somehow been holding onto her. A few years ago, I was in a codependent friendship. It seemed neither I nor my friend could exist without the other. Read More

Do you look at what you hadn’t?

I spent a large part of my life looking at what I didn’t have. I was the youngest of 6 kids, my parents worked hard. The TV was thrown out when I was about 8 years old. I took to reading. There was no one at home when I came back from school. Being the last of the litter I was often the last one to get any attention or at least this was part of the story I told Read More

Do you forgive yourself?

Yes I know that is a slightly religiously themed photo, but bear with me. Do you forgive yourself? It took me a long time to understand this idea??of self forgiveness. With no obvious outside pressure, no one on my back, in fact a lack of anyone telling me what I should do or how I should live my life, I got to a point where I beat myself up mentally a lot. I saw myself as a failure, as stupid, Read More