Getting back in the groove.

(or is it really happening to you?) As 2018 came to a close I found myself submerged. I had a lot of work that was paid, I had a lot of work that was planned and desired. I am at heart a story teller, so writing here and working with others through spiritual and practical methods had me neglecting certain things. Shopping for food and sleeping were not prioritised the way they probably could have been to be the most Read More

Which Wolf will you feed?

It seems that in my neck of the woods, in my entourage, there is a lot of discontentment at the moment. Maybe it’s the change of season and temperature. People are stressed, unhappy, lacking affection, a lover, a companion or just struggling with finding a way to be themselves. In truth I am feeling much the same way but I seem to be handling it better than those around me in some ways, but not every way. Perhaps I am Read More

Can you commit to begin your healing by changing your words?

I am struck by a neighbours reaction when I ask her how her life is. She tells me looking after her mother is Calvary. It’s a suffering for her to look after her mom. I live abroad away from my ill mother. I used to tell myself things, like I was suffering, I was lonely, I was abandoned and I was stupid. In doing my inner work I realised how wrong I was. It was just a perception. It was Read More

Selling yourself short?

Have you have that experience, where you don’t tell someone your feelings because you are afraid you will lose them?? Or perhaps you haven’t dared to follow through with something, telling yourself, you are not good enough? We seem to accommodate others and put ourselves in a place of retreat in order to make others happy and protect ourselves from exposure. Perhaps it’s our fears that allow to do this. I spoke with someone the other day about nightmares. Nightmares Read More

In Love?

I can remember as a teenager, feeling a pain in the pit of my stomach when I thought about a certain woman. She was older than I. She was interesting, beautiful, a mother probably in her twenties. I was 14. I had never experienced such a feeling before. She occupied my thoughts, when her perfume wafted in my nostrils I was unbalanced. When she wasn’t around I wanted her to be. I enjoyed her smile. I enjoyed her tone of Read More

What is the point of fear?

Fear seems to be useless. I am not talking about the fear we feel when we are in real danger. I am talking about the one we feel, when we suspect others are judging us, or we are not good enough, or we don’t have enough money to pay the bills. The fear of being attacked walking down a street, might seem reasonable to many, but if you have never experienced it, why would you fear it? If you never Read More

Are we creating our own image without knowing it?

?In the beginning God created man in His own image, and man has been trying to repay the favor ever since.???Voltaire It would seem that each individual creates their reality from their own experience. I have been running questions through my head lately. Do we both see the same colour when we say we see red? Do we really know what other people are thinking or are we just projecting our experience onto them? Recently, I have been having a Read More

Are you Accepting things as they are or fighting them?

Acceptance for many is a tricky concept. For me, acceptance doesn’t mean approval it means agreement. For example if I walk into a room that is painted blue, I can decide I like it or don’t like it. Here I am some form of approval either for or against. If I accept it, the blue ceases to be an issue of any sort. Recently after running late, I took a calculated risk at a traffic light. The light was orange, Read More

Are you listening to your self? Should you be?

I think it was Mark Twain who said, ‘ My life was full of worries most of which never happened.’ and ‘ I’ve lived through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.’ Either one of these is perfect for what I have been thinking of recently. I find myself walking around especially when I am tired and hungry or lacking sleep having the most awful conversations and confrontations with people, who are not there. It’s easy Read More

How do you manage perfection?

Perfection? I have demanded it from others, but seldom been able to deliver it myself. I criticised and judged those who didn’t deliver to the highest standards and expectations I had set them. I was choosing to be insulted when people let me down. Oh trust me, I was equally hard on myself for things that were entirely human. This is what I have learned and would like to share. In our world view my understanding of perfection is straight Read More